Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lego Redesign...

background...or no background???
that is the question...


  1. I would say, no background. The negative space of the white pushes the logo forward more.

  2. I really like the 3 d feeling of this peice, Your work is always really good, keep it up. I always look forward to looking at your designs

  3. i love legos the 3-d looks good in the logo

  4. I like the first of the three re-designed images. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you built your own Legos. The only negative is the blue Lego in the Lego Person's hand isn't angled right at the top.

    I also really like the inclusion of the shadow in the foreground. It would be kind of cool, albeit a pain in the rumpus, if you could include the shadow from the circular sections of the of the blue & red legos in that same image.

  5. Definately no background. This is really good. It's amazing that you made your own legos they look so real! I had a little trouble actually reading Lego on the block though. Not the way it was set up but just the way it looked, like the words are thinner than the outline so it was a little difficult to read. But that just might be me.

  6. I Like The First Two Designs Better Than The Last One
